Shark Cage Diving in Cape Town

Shark cage diving in Cape Town is one of the best ways to get up close and personal with one of nature’s most notorious predators. The Great White Shark is one of the most fierce creatures in the ocean. Seeing one up close deserves a spot on your bucket list.

Shark Cage Diving is one of the most popular adventure activities in Cape Town. Experience an adrenaline rush like no other while appreciating the frightening beauty of these predators up close and personal. Here’s a few tips to help prepare you for shark cage diving in Cape Town.

Where should you go?

Dyer Island is arguably one of the best locations in Gansbaai to see these predators up close. Shark alley has been the subject of numerous documentaries. It is also one of the most popular spots for breaching and cage diving.

Shark Cage Diving in Cape Town, Secret Cape Town

There are a variety of tour options from Gansbaai. False Bay, is great for shark spotting, especially around Seal Island just off the coast of Simon’s Town. This island has a large colony of Cape fur seals, which is a favourite hunting spot for great white sharks.

What will you experience?

See them up close inside a cage dive or watch them pierce through the water hunting for prey on the surface. If you are in Gansbaai, stop at Hermanus on the way back.  South Africa’s famous whale watching spot. Who knows, maybe you’ll see another formidable ocean creature? If your tour takes you to False Bay, you can also explore the naval village of Simon’s Town or stroll along the streets of Kalk Bay just down the road. You can also take a small tour of the peninsula at Cape Point and Boulders Beach, which is a short drive away.

Remember to Keep Weather Conditions In Consideration

When going on a shark cage diving tour, make sure that you keep an eye on the weather conditions. This is especially important during the winter season, because tours might get cancelled last minute due to poor weather conditions. But most shark tour operators will offer a voucher in exchange or an option to reschedule the tour.

When is the Best Time to go?

While it is possible to go shark cage diving all year round, breaching expeditions only happen during the winter months from June to September.

What should you Bring?

Depending on the tour operator, you will usually be provided with a wetsuit, booties, and a mask. Bring your own swimwear. A wetsuit is crucial for the cold water.

Remember to pack a warm jacket for after the dive. For the boat ride out to the dive, sunblock and sunglasses are advisable. If you are prone to seasickness, make sure to bring some anti-nausea medication with you. You can also bring a camera, but make sure it has a waterproof case.

Is it Safe?

Shark Cage Diving in Cape Town, Secret Cape Town

Yes. The South African cage diving industry is regulated by a Code of Conduct and specific regulations from the Marine and Coastal Management and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. There are a number of reputable shark cage diving operators available in Cape Town. Not only will they make sure that you will make the most out of this experience, but will also ensure your safety.