Groot Constantia
Photo Caption: Long tree lined avenues are more common in JHB and Pretoria but we have a few hidden gems in Cape Town. Do you know where this driveway leads?
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Photo by @nicolaslarsen
Nestled in the fertile Constantia Valley in the southern suburbs of Cape Town is South Africa’s oldest wine estate — Groot Constantia. The estate was established in 1685 when the area was granted to Simon van der Stel, the VOC Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. van der Stel then built a house and used the land primarily for grape farming. Other fruit and vegetables and cattle were also grown on the farm. He named his farm “Constantia” after the Latin word for constancy or steadfastness.
Because of the land’s rich soils, the estate produces high-quality wines, to which Groot Constantia is particularly known for. It boasts an exquisite array of award-winning wines such as Blanc de Noir, Chardonnay, Merlot and the country’s oldest wine, Grand Constance.
Groot Constantia receives a steady flow of visitors throughout the year because of the year-round wine tastings and tour. The estate offers a visitor route experience. A ticket will give you entrance to the historic Manor House museum, the original Cloete Cellar, a cellar tour, wine tasting, and Spiegelau Crystal wine glass. The Manor House is the beautifully preserved original Cape Dutch Homestead. The Cloete Cellar is where you can learn the wine and the history of the estate. It offers a fascinating and unusual collection of historic wine and archeological equipment. Groot Constantia also has two remarkable restaurants on site where you can have delicious meals, namely, Jonkershuis and Simon’s.
As the oldest and most historic wine farm in South Africa, Groot Constantia is one of the top tourist destinations in Cape Town. With its magnificent scenery, exquisite chocolate and wine pairing, cellar tours, and historical museums, this heritage wine estate is a destination that every Cape Town visitor shouldn’t miss.