Cape Town Ghost Stories

Many people visiting Cape Town enjoy all the legendary ghost stories. Because the city is so old, a wide variety of ghost stories have been collected over the years. You’ll have to decide for yourself whether they are real or not.
If you are a brave soul ready for a bit of scary adventure, then you have come to the right place. To feed your curiosity, here are some of the top ghost stories in Cape Town.

Castle of Good Hope

Castle of good hope - Secret Cape Town

There’s just something about visiting a spooky old castle that makes the experience all the more worth it. The Castle of Good Hope is said to be home to many different spirits, all with their own stories. One of the most common stories is of a lady named Anne Bernard. She lived in the 18th century and hosted many social gatherings inside the castle.

At present, locals believe that she appears inside the castle whenever there are parties and formal functions. She also likes to visit Dolphin’s pool, where she enjoys bathing regularly.
The Castle of Good Hope also has a dungeon but the people working there do not like talking about it much and there’s a good reason why. It’s because of the footsteps and faint voices that they hear and other unexplainable things that happen there from time to time.

Table Mountain Haunting

According to an urban legend a governor gave his son a flute which he adored, using it all the time. But then a leper used the flute and it made the boy sick.  The boy was obligated to live in exile in the Table Mountain forest inside a hut. Some locals and travelers who go to visit the mountain claim to hear the boy’s flute playing from a distance. If you are at the top of the mountain and you hear the flute sound, don’t be alarmed. It’s just the boy playing his favourite instrument to pass the time in his lonely hut.

Groote Schuur Hospital

Hospitals are creepy as it is, what more if there are real ghost stories? The Groote Schuur Hospital was first built in 1938. Nurses, doctors, and even patients have claimed to hear footsteps during the night that are unusual and unexplainable. In fact, the stories are so spooky that some people avoid going to this hospital for treatment.

Groote Schuur Hospital - Cape Town Ghost Stories

There are also claims that a Sister Fatima is still lurking in the hospital helping the nurses at the hospital. She appears to be friendly and helpful even though she has been dead for almost a decade. And some say that they see the spirit of a nurse who committed suicide inside the hospital, as well as a patient who fell to his death from a one-story window.  The hospital is still operational. It’s scary to know that some patients experienced all the stories personally.

Haunting Tours

If these stories we just mentioned aren’t enough to scare the pants off you and you are looking for more spooky adventures, then you’ll be glad to hear that there are haunting tours for brave souls. These tours allow you to explore haunted sites with experts and other ghost story fanatics.

The Mystery Ghost Bus regularly hosts interactive events. Keep an eye on their Facebook page to stay up to date.